Web Development


We are first introduced to web development by learning simply html

These are the videos that we watch to get the basic understanding of how html works


A simple html website would consist of the following
  1. Website name
  2. A heading
  3. A body
  4. A footer

html tools

< p > is used to create paragraphs

< img src= ""> is used to put images onto the website

< br / > is used to create a line to seperate content

< ul > < / ul> is used to create an unorder list of items

< ol > < / ol > is used to create a numbered ordered list of items

< li> < / li> is used with < ol > or < ul > to put information about the items in the list

< div > < / div > is used to seperate paragraphs

My first experience with html

Here is my very first code for a html website

These are the results


CSS , combined with HTML, is used to create the website you are looking at right now

CSS is used to give the website a style

CSS tools

div id="" is used to give a tag to an element , so that whichever element that is labelled with a tag is easy to refer to

use the symbol " # " to refer an element , followed by the name of the tag (for example:#header)

background-color: is as it suggests , to add colour to the background , input a colour hexcode at the end to choose a color

text-align: is used to adjust the text alignment(for example: text-align:center)